On behalf of Prof. Begoña Milian, please find below and in this file relevant information about 11 PhD positions associated to the MSCA Doctoral Network TIMES:
For the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network «Time-resolved sImulations of ultrafast phenoMena in quantum matErialS (TIMES)» (see website times.uv.es <http://times.uv.es/>) we have 11 open PhD positions in different aspects of computational and theoretical physics with an intended starting date between June and November 2024.
The objective of the doctoral network is the modelling of emergent phenomena arising from excitation, correlation, and coherence of electrons, spin, photons and nuclear motion. TIMES merges different areas of expertise in many-body physics, time-dependent electronic structure methods, and machine learning to reach a new paradigm of the atomistic modelling of nonequilibrium processes in condensed matter.
Competitive salary. The brute salary of the PhD candidate depends on the family situation and the country of the beneficiary.
Training plan. The network has an innovative training plan in computational physics and chemistry, high-performance computing and quantum materials. The network has planned workshops, schools, code hackathons, and conferences in leading European Universities and Research Centers, together with collaborations with experimental researchers.
Secondments. All the PhD positions include funded research stays in the network nodes of beneficiaries and associated partners. Among the partner’s network we count with Simune, IMEC, CINECA, MAX, among others.
TIMES will train a new generation of scientists capable of devising novel theoretical and computational frameworks to simulate nonequilibrium phenomena. TIMES will synergize theoretical and numerical developments with High Performance Computer Centers, SMEs, and big-data facilities across Europe. The network activities will benefit from synergistic collaborations with leading experimental groups in ultrafast spectroscopy.
The 11 PhD projects covers several topics in the domain of time dependent simulations like exciton-ion dynamics, nonlinear response, decoherence phenomena, spin-waves, and light-induced structural phase transitions, among others.
Candidates must have completed the Master studies at the time of incorporation and must comply with the eligibility criteria of the MSCA Doctoral Networks (check eligibility criteria in the website and on the site of MSCA program <https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/actions/doctoral-networks>).
Background in one of the following areas: solid-state physics, computational chemistry, computational materials science and similar areas of research.
Experience in programming, high-performance computing, ab initio methods and machine learning methods is desirable.
How to apply:
Interested candidates must submit a curriculum vitae (2 pages max.), indicating two references, a short research statement (1 page maximum), and the transcripts of academic records. Applications should be uploaded as a single PDF file through the web form (https://times.uv.es/open-positions/), indicating the preferred supervisor/PhD project (up to 3 options in order of preference) and the time window in which you are available to start.